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A Touch of Local Color at the Atwater Library

A Touch of Local Color at the Atwater Library

On Thursday, June 15, 2017 Festival Bloomsday Montréal produced a dramatic reading of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) by James Joyce with actors Jan Gregory, Margaret Nicolai, Clive Brewer, and musicians Kathleen McAuliffe, soprano, and Natalia Davydova, pianist at the Atwater Library.

Quel est l’auteur qui a eu un procès favorable?

Quel est l’auteur qui a eu un procès favorable?

Lorsque je lisais que James Joyce espérait que l’issue de son premier procès en 1922 lui soit aussi favorable que ceux de Gustave Flaubert et de Charles Baudelaire, j’eue la puce à l’oreille.
Flaubert fut poursuivi pour atteinte à la morale publique : son livre Madame Bovary racontant les déboires amoureux et monétaires d’une bourgeoise de campagne, se terminant par le suicide de celle-ci, pouvait entrainer les femmes à suivre son exemple par mimesis.

A Succulent Homemade Ketchup Recipe

A Succulent Homemade Ketchup Recipe

Our last Bloomsday brunch at EVOO was on Sunday, June 11 and we celebrated it with panache. One of the particularly interesting condiments that Peter served with his Irish breakfast was a succulent little homemade ketchup. While Peter’s was superb, I had also experimented with homemade ketchup, trying to avoid all the sugar and fructose that is in the commercial brands. Here is the fruit of my efforts.

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