Bloomsday marks the day — June 16, 1904 — that Leopold Bloom walked through Dublin in James Joyce’s epic novel Ulysses.

This bold and fearless novel walks us through the lives of workaday Dubliners as it re-imagines the Greek myth, and spins its tale through the hero’s sensual and self-examining interior monologue.

“Secrets, silent, stony sit in the dark palaces of both our hearts: secrets weary of their tyranny: tyrants willing to be dethroned.”— Ulysses

40% of Québecers have some Irish ancestry — one of many cultural markers that signal the great diversity of Montreal. We are inspired by the inclusive potential of this diversity to bring history into the present and make it relevant.

Bloomsday is celebrated around the world and Montreal is home to the largest North American festival of its kind.

Festival Bloomsday Montréal unpacks the rich, storied culture of the Irish in Montreal — and their contemporaries — through walking tours, films, music, talks and conversations.

Not just Joyce we spotlight the work of this remarkable modernist author and all the fine Irish writers — before and after Joyce — who seize our imaginations with their masterful narrative gifts.

Our mandate directs us to advance culture and education through a festival in Montreal, focused primarily on the literary works of author James Joyce. We received official status as a non-profit organization (NPO) from the Registraire des enterprises de Québec on October 8, 2014.

Our festival takes place this year from May 30 through June 16. Visit our events page and register for one of our events—and bring a friend—many of our events are free and family friendly.

We also invite you to support our festival and Irish culture in Montreal by volunteering or making a donation. Go raibh maith agat! Thank you!

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