Support Us

Your Contribution Really Counts

Festival Bloomsday Montréal is a non-for-profit community organization recognized by Revenu Québec and the Canada Revenue Agency. You can donate through our partnership with Canada Helps.

$20 makes it possible to extend our venues throughout Montréal.

$50 means that we bring in more expert speakers, performers and writers.

$100 is money we use to educate new, multi-generational audiences about great literature, Irish writing and the many satisfactions of reading James Joyce.

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Our sponsors focus their financial or organizational support on the many and complex components that must be in place to produce a successful event.

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Our volunteers get to experience a wide range of activities and learning experiences that provide personal enrichment, and open up opportunities to explore Irish literature and culture.

Communication, technical support and event logistics are just a few of the opportunities available. What interests you about James Joyce, his life and times and Irish literature? What would you like to know more about?

Bloomsday Montréal delivers an exceptional volunteer experience — whether your in-terest is scholarly or novice or you are a cultural locavore who wants to learn more about the history of Montréal.

Contact our volunteer coordinator

Our Supporters

Please consider visiting our supporters online by clicking on the logo icons below.