Joyce: Life & Times

Here is a collection of fascinating information about James Joyce that you can Read, Watch or Listen. Use these resources as the first step in your exploration of the author, his work and his times.



Here is a short but comprehensive biographical outline of the life of James Joyce, developed by The James Joyce Centre in Dublin, Ireland. We recommend this site if you are new to the author, or a Joycean buff looking for new insight and information.

Joyce Biography


Download and read…

Finnegans Wake (PDF/632 pages)

Ulysses (PDF/512 pages)


Michael Groden is Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at Western University. He developed this interactive annotated version of Ulysses. Make sure you follow the site guide on the Notes page.


Online and Interactive. The Joyce Project puts Ulysses online outlined in the mythic schema. Mouse over annotated text to learn more about its context and meaning. Lots of intriguing esoterica on this site alongside valuable information on the characters and their times. More coming soon as the site develops.

Fair Use provisions for the Joyce Project

Reference Book. Distributed worldwide, look for Ulysses Annotated, Revised and Expanded Edition, 20th Anniversary Edition, Don Gifford (Author), Robert J. Seidman (Contributor), Paperback, 694 pages, ISBN: 9780520253971



Why is James Joyce’s Dubliners So Cool? 

An Irish-American rocker and two writers — big fans of Dubliners— talk about how the Irish writer’s collection of stories excites and inspires them: author Victor LaValle, Larry Kirwan of the band Black 47, and author and broadcaster Frank Delaney. Honours the 100th anniversary of the publication of Dubliners. Posted to YouTube August 4, 2014.


James Joyce on UbuWeb Film

90 minutes of selected passages from Finnegans Wake come alive through a fine cast of Irish actors. Directed by Mary Ellen Bute, Screenplay by Mary Manning, Cinematography by Ted Nemeth, Music by Elliot Kaplan.



Finnegans Wake on UbuWeb Sound

Audio recording of Finnegans Wake, read by Patrick Healy.

Ulysses on

Audio recording of Ulysses, high quality and in stereo.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce

Audio recording of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.